Effective PD and Growth Plans

For many reasons you many find that you need outside, reliable assistance with the creation of effective, professional growth plans for teachers. This may be for new teachers, or for existing teachers who have a “needs improvement” in one or more critical areas. An SIEC consultant will come onsite to meet and work with you and your teacher to ensure that a meaningful plan is in place. See below how this may take place. Below is a plan, or template, which will help us begin our conversations. However, you and the teacher’s specific needs will ultimately define the process.

Step I – (1 – 1½ hr.) - Consultant meets with principal/primary evaluator to share concerns and evidence of need and determine the best process for proceeding.

Step 2 – (1 – 1 ½ hr.) - Consultant meets with teacher to receive input from teacher and together a professional development plan is created. This plan is then shared with the principal for principal approval and signature. This plan may include readings, best practice videos, etc. Support between sessions is done by email, phone conference etc.

Step 3 – (approx. 6 hrs.) – Consultant observes teacher several times and meets to discuss further steps for improvement – Confers with principal

Step 4 (EXIT STRATEGY – Gradual Release) – (4 hrs.)

    • Consultant and Principal observe teacher together.

    • Consultant and principal develop actionable feedback.

    • Consultant, principal and teacher meet to conference

Cost: SIEC Member Schools - $165 per hour, plus mileage

Non- Member Schools - $250 per hour, plus mileage

Notes of Assistance: A cost-effective approach for districts would be to identify all teachers that you wish to have this PD. Mileage for consultants could be minimized in this way.

For more information, contact Judy Bueckert, Executive Director