
The Region 2 MEP is pleased to offer a range of services for its migrant families. Our main focus is to support the well-being and success of children in schools. Services vary in type from instructional to support to referred.

Instructional Services

    • STEM Curriculum: A team of IN educators has developed specialized STEM lessons with current technology tools that engage students in hands-on learning. A digital citizenship curriculum complements the STEM lessons to promote knowledge of online literacy and safety.

    • After-School Tutoring: In areas in our region with larger concentrations of students, tutoring will be available within that school district two days per week so students are able to work with teachers and receive additional time to complete homework and receive enrichment and remediation as needed. Tutoring is also available on an individual/small group basis in our region.

    • Summer School: Opportunities within the summer months are available for Preschoolers through the Out-Of-School populations(ages 3-21). Highly-qualified teachers are hired for these programs with timing determined by the movement of families and workers through our area.

    • Field Trips: Educational field trips are offered to extend and enrich opportunities.

Support Services

    • Free Lunch and Textbooks: Migrant students qualify to have these school fees waived.

    • School Supplies: We work to provide school supplies and connect families to organizations that provide supplies for students.

    • School Connections: We help families transfer school documents and make school contacts as they move.

    • Medical, Dental, Vision: We work to connect families with community health networks that provide free or reduced cost services.

Referred Services

    • Community Resources: Partnerships with local community organizations allow us to help families find resources for their needs in the areas of medical, food, clothing, and other areas.

    • General Assistance: While we do not have the ability to help families with energy assistance, medical costs or childcare costs, we do help families find local organizations that could potentially help with these costs.

Supplement, NOT Supplant

Federal funds made available under this subpart shall be used so as to supplement the level of Federal, State, and local public funds that, in the absence of such availability, would have been expended for programs for limited English proficient children and migrant children and youth and in no case to supplant such Federal, State, and local public funds.