Paraprofessionals: SIEC Videos On Demand

To view, please contact SIEC for required password
and the role of the paraprofessional
Resource 1: Concept Map (print this)
Resource 2: Roles & Responsibilities
Resource 3: Professionalism Article
Resource 5: Collaboration Checklist (further documentation, if needed)
it begins with you
Resource 1: KWL Chart (print this)
Resource 2: Mindset Quiz (print this)
Resource 3: Fixed vs Growth Mindset
small group:
instructional strategies
Resource 1: Best Practices Checklist (print or complete digitally)
Resource 2: Engagement Strategies
Resource 3: 7 Keys to Comprehension
Resource 4: 10 Strategies to Help a Struggling Reader
Resource 5: 3-2-1 Reflection (print this)
classroom management
& Student engagement
Resource 1: T-Chart Organizer for Notes (print this)
Resource 2: 10 Behavior Management Strategies (print this or read digitally)
Video On Demand Policies
SIEC Video Policies:
All SIEC On Demand Videos are owned by the Southern Indiana Education Center and should not be used for profit.
As of June 1, 2020, all videos will be available through a contracted agreement between a school district or building and the Southern Indiana Education Center. Please contact the SIEC for more information.
On Demand Videos are created to provide asynchronous professional learning. All resources accompanying the videos are purposefully included. Reflection tools are included to help document the session as necessary.
Any questions or comments should be directed to the contact information included in the videos or to an SIEC office staff member at (812) 482-6641.